Know your tarot spread


Today’s little tip is about knowing your tarot spread.

Once you know the basic tarot card meaning you will need to know tarot spreads.

A tarot spread can be a large as a 78-card spread or as simple as a one card spread.

You can learn many tarot spreads and there are thousands to choose from or you may prefer to keep to one spread.

But my tip for today is to not place a single card on the table before you know what spread you are going to use.

If you place a card on the table without knowing your spread first and you simply want to use the meaning of the card, you could lose the energy of half the card.

Card of the day.

Many budding tarot readers pick a card of the day just to see what they get, and this may work. Many moons ago I used to do this often.

However, I have found it works far better if we know the reason we are pulling a card.

Is it for something that will happen today? Or for advice for the day?

Or is it for something you need to be aware of throughout the day?

There’s a hundred reasons as to why you may want to pick a card for the day.

I’m not talking about the meaning of the card, I’m talking about why the card is being pulled in the first place. My little tip is to try to make it clear why you are picking a daily card before you do so.

“I’m picking a card today to advise me throughout the day.” You then take the card and see the meaning and use it throughout the day as your advice card.

It doesn’t help you much if you just pick a card for the day and then wait until bedtime to see if the card fits somewhere in your day. Because you lose the chance, a beautiful chance to connect with that card throughout the day.

You could ask the cards, “I’m picking a card today for something good that is going to happen in my day,” and then see how your daily card unfolds before you.

The same applies when you are giving a reading, it helps to know the spread you are going to use before you begin, and if you are to add more cards to the spread, it’s just as important to know why you are adding more cards.

You may want to add additional cards to a spread for more insight into the situation or to answer a question the client may now have regarding what’s being said.

It may seem like a very small tip, but it really does go a long way, rather than placing random cards on the table, know your spread and continue to understand why you are placing each card out.

Past, present, future, advice, good news, a warning, whatever the reason, the point is if you just pull out a random card you lose the reason.

Lets say I pulled the card of the day and got the tower card. I may be a little on edge waiting for the chaos and dramatic ending of something. My structure being torn down.

However, if I asked for a daily card for some good news of the day and I got the tower, then I would know that something that needs to end will finally come to pass today.

if I pulled the card for advice, I would know the tower is telling me to be prepared that things may get a little mad and fall down around me.

if I asked for something unexpected in the day the tower may tell me of some bad crap coming.

if it is pulled because it is something I should work on today, then maybe I would have to confront a situation that has ended and today is a good day to tackle the task.

if it is a warning card then I would be alert to potential situations that could end very badly for me, today would not be a day I take risks lightly.

The tower card has the same meaning throughout, however, by knowing why I am pulling it before I do so I can now direct its energy to guide me.

I use this tip if I am using a daily card or a full spread, It isn’t the same reading cards that represent the past of a person to the same cards being read in the present.

So that’s my tip, always know the reason why you are turning over a tarot card. Be clear on your spread.

I hope this little tip goes a long way. Good luck tarot friends.

For a full hour Skype coaching on how to find the perfect tarot spread for you check out my coaching page.