Find Your Tarot Voice

Find Your Tarot Voice

Are you learning the tarot but find it hard to say what you sense?

If so here is a tarot tip for you to try that works for my students and is so simple you may wonder why you wasn’t already doing it.

Talk to yourself! Yes, out loud. 

Let me explain a little better. 

When learning the tarot there will be certain words and sentences you will want to express and although your mind knows what it wants to say, although your gut may know what it is feeling, your voice may not know how to form the wording and this can lead to.

Half of what you are feeling staying inside you as you keep silent unsure of how to word it.


A blubbering mess coming from you only to later wish you had worded things differently. 

It isn’t only tarot keywords but the entire tone of how you give a reading and finding your voice. In time you will know. 

  • If you are a fast talking reader or a slow gentle one. 
  • If your style is to get deep with the feelings or brisk over to the events. 
  • If you talk love and light with a soft tone or a this is the s*it you got on the table type.
  • If you are a clear speaker or leave things open to interpretation. 

Whatever type of reader your voice is the best way to find it is to do practice readings OUT LOUD. This will help you get your words from your mind to your voice. The more you do this the more you will find a pattern in your tone and wording.

Give practice readings as if you were talking to actual people. This is a great exercise if you are lacking a little confidence also. 

And if you want to take this one step further you can try the “cringe factor” by recording your fake practice readings (never record an actual reading for someone without their permission) recording fake practice readings or practice readings with permission of the client is a great way to get to know your voice. 

You may think, hey Gaynor I have been talking all my life, I know my voice. But the wording and the way we guide, give news, advice, answers etc in a reading for clients (and if you continue in this path your clients will most likely be strangers) is not the same as just giving your opinion and thoughts to a friend or chatting with a family member. 

Our wording in a reading and form of expression in what we see in the cards and feel is a major part of our reading. 

Other fun things to do whilst learning how to express yourself in a reading are.

  • Try explaining a tarot card out loud to an imaginary person. 
  • Try imagining certain things that may come out in reading and give the news to Mr nobody out loud.
  • Talk tarot to tarot friends instead of only using the written word in social media (maybe do a Skype with tarot friends to discus the cards).
  • When reading about tarot try reading out loud.

Unless you plan on only doing email readings most of your readings will be voiced. Whilst practising it is a great time to find that voice and have fun doing so.