-The Spirit Of Edward and his Red Guitar -
“The tinkle high tune of a waterfall gently gliding down the musical scale as it hits the water below, in turn the water plays gently with the surrounding rocks, creating the lower pitch tone of the scale.
The singing of growing grass and the music from a single grain of grass to the biggest mountain.”
Everything in the afterlife has a musical note, everything is alive with the sound of music.
As if the wonderful tunes of music that can be heard from the nature of the Afterlife isn’t enough, Spirit also have instruments and songs to create even more music.
However, they also still love our earthy music. For years whilst giving readings spirit have spoken to me about their favourite songs from when they lived in our world.
They have shown me time and time again how they will often come close to a loved one who is playing one of the songs they loved and will listen and enjoy with them.
If you want to spend a moment connecting with your loved one in the Spirit world, play a song they loved and then take a moment to sense if they are with you.
I also have many stories of Spirits sending us songs as a way of a sign from them. That song that they played at your grans funeral and came on the radio the moment you entered that flower shop, or the song they played in the bar that night just whilst you were thinking your dad would have loved it had he still been alive, these are Spirit signs played to you through music. A way Spirit can tell you they are still with you.
I have talked a lot in my books about music from the Spirit world but today I want to share a story about music in the Afterlife and how Spirit play and enjoy music in the afterlife and how they can actually LEARN music once they have passed.
I have many stories of Spirits who have learnt how to play the piano since they entered the Afterlife and many other instruments.
But the story I want to share today is that of Edward. It is from my book Heaven is a Real Place and I hope you enjoy.
The Big Red Guitar
Edward came to me whilst I was giving a reading for his mother. Edward had died at just 38 years of age, after years of drug abuse and heavy smoking took its toll.
One rainy, cold day in May, Edward left his demons behind and due to a massive heart attack, he entered the Spirit world. Edward’s first messages to his mother through me, was to say how sorry he was for all the pain he caused her whilst he was alive. Edward showed me all the anguish and despair his mother had to endure throughout the years he was taking drugs. Every day and night were a nightmare for my client as at any given moment she expected the news of her son’s death. Knowing that one day that news would come, and it did.
Amongst the many loving messages Edward had for his mother, he also told me he was at peace now and that she could find her own peace since she no longer waited for the doom of the inevitable news. My client told me that actually in a strange way this was true. Since Edward had passed, she had found herself sleeping full night’s sleep, the first time that had happened since Edward was 15, when she had first caught him on drugs.
She was also able to relax whilst out, not wondering if the dreaded phone call would be at that moment.
Edward also thanked his mum for all the help she had tried to offer him throughout the years. He showed me all the times she had taken him to rehab, psychologists and group meetings. Of course, none of these things had any long-lasting effect on Edward. Yet his mother at least felt good knowing that her son was finally seeing how hard she had tried to keep him alive.
Then Edward showed me a red electric guitar and told me to tell his mum that he was now playing the guitar, at last.
I told my client word for word what Edward said to me. She had been crying heavily into a tissue. She stopped crying and didn’t move for what seemed like minutes, almost not breathing.
Then she looked at me and said she couldn’t believe I had just said that to her, then she explained why.
Apparently, Edward had been given a red electric guitar many years ago. The guitar hung on his bedroom wall. No matter how desperate Edward had been for drug money, including selling his mother’s gold and stealing her possessions, he had never parted with his guitar.
Often in better times, Edward would try to get his life together. His mum dragged him to rehab and Edward tried to rebuild his life. He always started the new life by telling his mum he wanted to learn to play the guitar, that one day he was determined to play his red electric guitar.
As the years passed and promises were made and broken his mother realised this was never going to happen.
Shortly after Edward’s death, his mother went into his bedroom. She explained it to me as a dark room with a strong smell of smoke, and there hanging on his wall was his shiny red guitar, a lost dream.
His mother sat on Edward’s bed and cried, she prayed that Edward had found his peace. She also prayed he learnt how to play the guitar now he was in Heaven.
Edward’s words to me had shaken his mother. At last, she knew that her son had finally become clean, he had found his peace and he had learnt how to play the guitar.
I believe Spirit love music, they love to play songs for us and they love to listen to music. They love to watch us dance and to listen to the music of our world whilst also creating music in their own world. Music speaks to us on many levels, it’s the heartbeat of our life, in both worlds.
Love Gaynor