- A Vision Board that Works -
My vision board was pretty crap. I am not very artistic so pictures ripped from magazines and pinned onto a cork board was as good as it got for me. But the bad execution of creating the board wasn’t half as bad as to what I had pinned onto my board!
I read tons about a vision board in my quest for reaching the Law of Attraction. It seemed pretty simple, even I couldn’t mess this up. All I had to do was imagine something I really wanted. Find an image of it. Stick the image on my board and imagine I already had it. Say thank you to the world for the yet not received gift. I didn’t even need to bother with the how or why, just wait for it to come. Also, and here is the exciting bit, I COULD ASK FOR ANYTHING I WANTED!
Nothing was out of my reach. The world was a huge catalogue I could and should ask for anything I wanted.
Money trees it was! OK, I don’t think I ever actually asked for a money tree, but I had an open cheque to unlimited resources and that was pretty much the same. My cheque was pinned proudly on my board.
Of course, I wasn’t greedy. A Beautiful house in New York and on the seafront. A cute cottage and a smart apartment. Why not, I could have it all.
No bills, that’s a given. Plenty of money in the bank. Holidays. A new car. Did I mention plenty of money in the bank?
A successful business was thrown in there, one I could run between my holidays and of course, helping others. I didn’t pin a picture for that but I am sure I meant to. Then I waited….. Until…
Nothing happened!
I clearly had not understood the meaning of a vision board. But the most important thing about my vision quest that I didn’t know back then was that, IT WOULD ONLY WORK IF IT WAS IN MY VIBE!
I had to really create a life that was in my vibe, a life that fit in with the destiny I had already planned for myself before I took on this journey of life.
And the only way I could do that was to work with Spirit and let my guide do his job and guide me.
My Vision board works!
Now I work with Spirit when planning anything about my destiny, I love playing around with vision boards. Gone are the days when I thought the only way to do a vision board was to stick pictures on a board, although that method can still work fine, there are also many other ways to get results. If you are thinking of doing a vision board, or redoing one, here are some creative ideas to get the energy flowing.
Create a private Facebook page or an album on google photos.
Anywhere you can store your pictures and get easy access to them. I take pictures on my phone and store them on a private Pinterest album. I take as many of my own pictures as I can. If I have to use another persons picture I don’t just grab one I like from the internet, first I investigate it, say it was a house, I would check out estate agents sites and look at that house or any close by. I google map the area, I check out shops and roads and all kinds of weird stuff that I know is important to me, like the nearest place to get a coffee. Getting as up close and personal as possible not only opens your vibration to attract but also stops you from moving next to a landmine!
Don’t just do the big stuff.
Not all our dreams are huge houses and stacks of money. Don’t forget the small things too. As an author I take pictures of my books and create a mock up whilst visualising the finished product. I take pictures of things I think will help my business run smoother, from new keyboards to better lighting.
Get creative.
Pictures are just one way to create snapshots of things you want to attract to your destiny. The idea is to get as personalised as you can, no matter what the method. Instead of a vision board you can create a vision scrap book if you are a glue and scissors person.
If your write, write.
You may prefer to write in detail your chosen visions. Write a poem about it, a once upon a time, or get even more in depth and write a story, a story about the plan you once had for your life before you were born. Did you write a happy ending? Was it fun? Did you take a holiday to the south of France?
Painting your destiny.
Painting is another way to get personal with your vision board. Paint that perfect guy! Paint a holiday destination you feel would improve your life. Paint yourself getting a promotion or reaching a dream. Paint a happy healthy version of yourself.
Find the words.
Sometimes it isn’t pictures that talk but sayings and quotes, add the quotes that inspire you and you want to take forward with you on your path. Pin them on your board. Write them around the house. record them on your phone. Keep them near your work.
A bookshelf of dreams.
Books are also another way to create your vision board. If you like reading and have books that inspire you around the house you could create a vision board shelf, placing these books on the shelf along with some yellow sticky notes on pages you want to reach out for and remember. You can get as funky as you want with your shelf, adding other things to help your energy juices flow, like add a few shells you picked from the beach and place it next to a book you read about living in Spain, along with a few other bits, if your vision is to move to Spain. Add a five dollar bill next to a book about financial freedom if that is part of your vision.
Playlists can also be a great way to get things moving in your energy field. Songs that inspire you or remind you of a goal. I have a playlist I created where each song reminds me of a certain area of my life where I want to attract certain things. Creating the playlist itself can be fun and really open you up.
Get graphic.
If you love images but just taking one from the internet and adding them to your pile isn’t working, why not get a little graphic. You can use any program you have to create you own little images or pictures with quotes. I spend way to much time doing this and you will see them on my Facebook page. But it is a great way to give me an energy boost and to share it with my friends.
Go big.
Your vision board doesn’t have to be kept on a shelf in your office or on your phone. Your dreams can be represented throughout your work environment and home. Do you feel a family holiday to Italy to see your husbands family would benefit you and your children? If it works within your vibe you can attract it by maybe having an Italian meal on Saturday nights. Learn a few Italian words each night. Bring into your home images and things that represent what Italy represents to you. Play Italian music and maybe watch a film from the region you plan on going. Get creative.
Let’s talk tarot!
Yeah if you know me you were probably wondering if I can talk images and not think tarot, I can’t. If you are a tarot reader or have a tarot deck. once you have focused on your goals you can choose tarot cards that represent those goals for you and place them in a temporary frame….
I did this wrong and without realising many years ago. Somehow, I ended up with half a deck of majors, not knowing what to do with them I placed them in a frame. The cards were beautiful so I hung it up. I looked at this picture often. Things soon started to go wrong for me (also this was before I worked with Spirit for the law of spiritual attraction) I realised I had created a vision board with these cards. I had laid them out in the frame like a story, A bad story due to the lack of cards and options. And that story came true! I had a terrible year and lived out each card one by one. This is why I believe everything we place around us and in our home can attract energy and connect to our vibration, but that’s another post.
The idea with a vision board is to bring an emotion into your vision and only when it is in your vibe, your destiny.
If it isn’t in your true destiny, don’t even bother, because you wont get it or it will turn to sh*t. If you don’t know what is in your destiny, now is the time to connect with Spirit and ask them. Take as long as you need now to let Spirit guide you to what is best for you and save years of trying to attract the the wrong things.
The last thing I will add about a vision board.
Don’t just add what you want, but also what you get. When you do take that dream holiday, pin the ticket to the board. Take a picture of your boarding pass and add it to your album. Find a song you heard on holiday and add it to your playlist. Add all the amazing things you attract to your life with the aid of the vision board, until your board becomes part of your life and is no longer just a board of dreams and inspiration but a board of memories and achievements.