Spirit party and the Afterlife
Today I want to share with you something spirit have shown me many times over the years whilst working as a medium.
When our loved ones pass over to the other side one of the first parties they will attend is their welcome home party.
Spirit have shown me these parties in great details and Today I want to share with you what I know.
Once we take the step from this world into the next, we have a party shortly waiting for us.
Everyone you loved and lost, everyone who is connected to you, everyone who is in your Spirit team will attend this party in your honour.
This party is something amazing and when our day comes it will be an incredible day, our memory of the afterlife has then returned, we get to see everyone we loved. We will be back into our magical land, we are home.
This fantastic welcome home party is the first of many great parties we will attend once we pass but our welcome home party is the first we will go to.
It is quite ironic that when we lose a loved one, we are here in this world mourning their loss and preparing their farewell in the form of a funeral and wake and have some kind of farewell party for them. At the same time they are celebrating their welcome home party on the other side.
One thing I get asked when I talk about the welcome home parties in the afterlife is how do Spirit know when it is someones time to pass over. Do they do a last minute party if it for somebody who has crossed over suddenly, say in an accident?
What I have been shown by Spirit is that no matter what age a person is, no matter if we feel that a death was caused by a freak accident. Whether or not we feel someone passed before their time, especially if we feel something could have been prevented.
We can often look at a death as something that shouldn’t have happened. Maybe death could have been avoided.
But one thing I know for sure is that the day we cross into the Spirit world is set in stone. It is the only date that is unchangeable, nonnegotiable. It is a date written before we are born. And it is written by each one of us!
No matter what happens, on that chosen date, it will be the date we go home. And nothing will change that.
There is no escaping death.
One of the first things that we encounter when we pass is our welcome home party. A party that is literately out of this world!
These parties are an important part of our return home, a celebration of the life we lived, the journey we walked.
Everyone we ever knew is there at this party, including any pets we may have loved and lost.
It is something to look forward to, even though I am in no rush to get there, I know the day I do cross worlds will be the day I am supposed to and I will party away!
love Gaynor