Self healing had my back

Self healing had my back!

I remember the hobbled walk home from my doctors. My back was still in agony but the results were what had caused the tears trickling down my face.
My back scan had confirmed the source of my pain was a herniate disk, two worn disks and a curved back. The doctor had told me the only solution for my pain was an operation and that would take up to two years. The thought of living with this pain for two years was as unbearable as the pain itself. I asked him three, or even maybe four times if there was any way that I could ease the pain. He repeated to me that only an operation would help and strong painkillers. When I asked again, he drew me a map of my spine and explained in detail what was happening.
That night I cried in bed. I cried because of the pain, the tiniest movement was agony, I cried because I was tired of so many agonising nights fed up of pain and sleepless nights. I cried because even though during the day my pain was bearable and I was able to work, the moment evening came everything changed and the pain returned. 
That night I woke around 4 am. My first thought was no. No, I wasn’t going to live two years in agony waiting to be operated on.
Absolutely not. 
I opened my tablet beside my bed and typed in herniated disk and one of the first videos was of two men named Bob & Brad. I clicked on the video and watched how the the two physical therapists gave some simple exercises for the pain. They had a few other videos on the same so I binged watched them all.
As the light of day appeared I had done each one of their easy, (and I mean easy,) exercises. 
I remembered I was a healer!
As I lay on my bed I just KNEW it was time to heal my back. I am a Reiki Master but I prefer to just do free style guided healing  most of the time. As I lay my hands on my stomach, knowing my energy would reach down to my spine I wondered why I had never thought of healing myself before. It was like I had totally forgot I had the power to heal myself. 
But healing had my back and reminded me. 
As I felt my energy expand I saw how many years I had abused my back. How I had sat in bad positions for hours on end giving reading and typing at my computer. How even as the pain showed signs I did nothing about it until I had no choice.  
I forgave myself. 
I forgave myself for badly treating my back and promised to give it the love it deserved. 
I asked my Spirit team to heal with me, to guide me and help me. 
And I thought only pain free thoughts. I was healthy, my back was strong, my back was vibrant. 
I used my thoughts to help my healing process by talking to my back.
I fell asleep whilst self healing.
I woke with a strange feeling, like a silence after a loud bang. Something was different, I could feel it already. 
I continued to watch the videos and to do the exercises from Bob & Brad. I continued to self heal every night in bed,  and to use the law of attraction with my back. I was careful of what I said, as I knew my back heard me. So I spoke about how lucky I was to have overcome the pain, how lucky I was to not have to be operated on.
Magic happened!!
I have never suffered with my back since. This was over a year ago now and not one night have I woke in the agony I used to nightly. It has gone!! Magic happened whilst I exercised and healed. 
I had the power to heal myself all the time, I had just forgotten. but self healing had my back and reminded me that when we are on our knees we can remember the magic within.
This worked for me, of course don’t substitute my story for medical advice. 
Bob & Brads YouTube channel for physical therapy for those who are interested.

thank you, love Gaynor. 


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