How to use tarot for social media – tarot business ideas.

How to use tarot for social media - tarot business ideas.

How to use tarot for social media - tarot business ideas.

Fed up of staring at your screen wondering what to post on your social media? Looking at the clock and wondering how can it possibly be so late and you haven't posted anything for your spiritual business?
Let me share with you how I use the tarot in my social media.

Hi tarot reader.

Are you in transition from turning your tarot hobby into your career?

If you have a social media account for tarot, like a Facebook page or an Instagram account you may be wondering what it is you’re supposed to post everyday. 

Finding ideas to fill up your social media feeds can be hard and often leads to procrastination, where you spend most of the day wondering what to post and post little.

If you’re procrastinating a lot, don’t worry, you are not alone. I used to sit for hours scrolling my social media thinking I was “working”. until someone told me.

“You’re rather working or your not”

And how true those words! Spending hours on the computer does not equal work if you’re not working!

But finding ideas to post as a tarot reader or for your spiritual business can be hairpulling. 

That is why I have this video to help you in your journey.

Check out my video about how to use social media for your tarot business ideas. 

Don’t fancy reading any more? Take a look at my video instead. 

So what should we post on our social media?

The obvious answer is you should really post whatever it is that you want to post, there is no right or wrong and as you know what works for one may not work for everyone. 

But these tips may help your posts be more productive for your business and to ultimately reach your goal of attracting clients. 

First, what I don’t recommend is posting publicity everyday – “I sell tarot” “buy a reading” can be a little spammy and annoying for your followers. 

Instead, remember social media is a social platform and you are supposed to use it to be social. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be a huge part of your business and a great way to generate sales, it just means being social is often the main ingredient. 

But it is also for your tarot or spiritual business, so keeping your focus is the pepper to the salt. 

Finding the balance between personal and showing you are “human” whilst at the same time talking tarot and keeping your focus on your business is the KEY to success. 

So, one of the ways I find content for my social media that can be personal, (my personal opinion on things) and at the same time focusing on my business, is by using the tarot cards for inspiration. 

I grab a deck of tarot cards and I may go through the pack and see if any of the cards inspire me to create a post, or I may just pull a random card from my tarot deck and see how I can create a post around it. 

Let’s say I pull the world card. 

I may create a post about my opinion on something that is going on in the world today (I tend to stay away from politics and religion) but maybe I will focus on something nice happening in the world. 

Or maybe I want to leave something positive in the world and I will post a happy quote or something for the environment. 

I may focus my post on making the world a happier place. 

If I pull the Six of Coins, I may do a giveaway on one of my products like a short reading or free gift of one of my books. 

Or I may post about a charity or those who need help in the world right now. 

If I pull the Empress Card I may talk about pregnant woman having readings. My opinion on giving readings to pregnant women or pregnancy in tarot. 

Are pregnant tarot readers more inspired?

You can use any deck you want, the idea is to let the cards inspire you and spark your imagination. Have some fun with this. 

Not only can the cards inspire you to create posts but also to be social. You can ask questions from your followers

If I pull The Hermit Card from The Everyday Witch Tarot (you see a witch sat in a meditative position in nature with a campfire burning.)

I may ask my followers when was the last time they were in nature? Do they meditate outside? Do they enjoy meditating in nature?

Get your juices going with your posts you can be as creative as you want. I may take a picture of me meditating outside with nature to add to my post. I may take a picture of a tree and put my tarot cards by the trunk of the tree or hold them up and do a selfie. 

Now not only do I have a post with questions for my followers but I also have a picture to go with it. 

Now not only do I have a post with questions for my followers but I also have a picture to go with it. 

If I pulled the ace of coins from the same everyday witch tarot deck (you see a young person holding the ace of coins) I may do a post about children doing tarot – Or i may ask a question about what my followers think of children doing tarot.


I can take the meaning of the ace of coins and ask about money – how do my followers feel about tarot reading and money or do a post about tarot reading charging for money. 


The cards are inspiring me to find something within me to share with my followers that will be my truth, my vibe, my thoughts and at the same time bring it back to my tarot or spiritual business. 


  • If I pulled the nine of swords, I may talk about nightmares. Ask a question about what others think about nightmares maybe talk about a nightmare I have had in the past and how that left an imprint on me. 

Or maybe talk about people’s fears. People’s fears about tarot. Why are some people scared of the tarot cards?

Or I can simply find my favourite card in the deck and post a picture of that and explain why I love it so much. 

If I pull the temperance card and see the beautiful Angel.

 I may do a post on angels. 

Maybe share my thoughts and experiences with Angels or talk about my guides, maybe I will hunt out a nice image of an angle to go with my post. 

Maybe I will do a video or a live about Angels


The great thing is with inspiration from tarot you are able to share posts and share a bit of your personality and your vibe


Nowadays when people hear about a tarot reader they click on the internet to see what vibe they pick up from the reader, people are more psychic then ever and let their intuition guide them so the vibe you give out will be important to connect to your clients, but if you share no content on your page then your clients will never be able to connect with your vibe


The list  of ideas from tarot cards is endless.

Using your tarot for inspiration for your social media posts is creative and fun. 

Thank you, love Gaynor. 


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