Hello Spiritual Souls
Have you got a limiting monthly money mindset?
Do you ever feel like no matter how much you work and increase your sales, you end up with the same amount of money at the end of every month?
I know, I've been there
I did this FOREVER, I always seemed to have the same amount even though I had more clients and my business was growing monthly.
It made no sense, more clients equals more money, right? But it just never happened that way for me.
Something would always happen that would take me back to the same amount every month. Like, I would get more readings but my husband would be out of work or I would sell more courses but my readings would drop that month.
I remember one month having more course sales than I had ever had until then, yet I ended up with the exact same amount of money in the end as the previous month due to some unexpected one-time things I had to pay for.
Over time I spoke to other spiritual business owners and I realised this “capped” income was pretty common with my friends.
In despair I searched for answers, I even wondered (I am even embarrassed to say it now) but I even wondered if it was because the money was coming from the spiritual work. (I ditched those money blocks a long time ago!)
What I learnt
I know now that we have a point of value that we believe we are worth and we create our reality to always keep around that money mark. (yes, we create our reality to always stay within our money point) If we make more money than the amount we have placed in our subconscious then we immediately create a bill, a problem or some other financial loss so we can return to our safe zone.
Ed Mylett explained it in one of his speeches or interviews as a type of money thermostat that we program in our mind. Once we reach the max then we adjust to bring us back down to our standard point.
Understanding this is ground breaking because it also means that we can change our money thermostat.
Here are my three tips for changing your monthly money mindset.
Tip 1 - What is your safe zone?
Look at how much money you earn monthly. Even if it fluctuates as many spiritual businesses do for some time, it will still most likely be within a more or less range.
Take some time to think about this, where did this number come from and why that amount?
For me, I realised the limit I had placed on my earnings was what I had needed for minimal survival, (I was always in survival mode so it shouldn’t have surprised me) it was enough to pay the bills and just eat. It was like that amount was what I was worth in my own mind. It was my safe zone as anything less meant I didn’t have enough for bills and basics and any more meant I had earned more than I needed.
Tip 2 - Change the amount!
Create your new money point, (or even better don’t have one or just add tons of zeros) but let’s assume you haven’t reached that point of magic yet.
Create your new self worth. How much do you feel you should be earning for the work you do? Seriously, how much do you feel you should be earning for the work you do?
Maybe don’t go crazy and try and convince yourself you should be earning millions (although if you are in that mindset, go for it) but instead listen to your heart, Look at your input and ask if it reflects your output?
Do you feel you should be earning more for your efforts, do you feel you deserve more?
Tip 3 - How much?
Take some time and think about your impact on others and the world due to your spiritual work and ask yourself how much do you feel the work you have done is worth.
Get down and digital with numbers. Do you feel your work is worth 1000€ a month, 2k, 3k, 10k, or more even? Only you can tell how much you feel you are worth but the success of your work should help guide you. Are your clients happy with you? Have you impacted their lives? Have you made an imprint in the world?
If you are still dealing with self doubt or lack of confidence and can’t feel how much your work is really worth just now then ask yourself this question.
How much do you feel someone else who does what you do, In the way you do it, should be earning each month?
Keep at it!
Changing our mindset doesn’t happen overnight but if you do these three tips repeatedly you will see results! Once you are able to accept your worth and allow money to flow freely into your life then you can start getting serious with creating money goals.
Watch out for my creating wealth post coming soon!
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