Focus on your Spiritual Business

Hello spiritual Business owners

Are you trying to be too many things in your spiritual business? Do you feel like you are going crazy? Do you want to be a tarot reader, tarot teacher, reiki master and sell handmade ritualized candles? The good news is that you can do all that and more in a spiritual business, just maybe not TODAY.

Let me explain why…

Here's something that may surprise you

I run my entire business twice! Yes, everything you see I do in both English and Spanish! (imagine the time and effort it takes to make each graphic, write everything, and communicate with my audience, TWICE)

I run a coaching business, an online spiritual school, and I am the author of spiritual books (and sexy millionaire bad boy romance books in a pen name but that really is another story).
I run several Facebook groups, YouTube channels, Instagram accounts and I am active in all of them. I give talks at conferences and interviews. And of course, I’m still a tarot reader and a medium and I do my readings.

BUT, I did NONE of this overnight:

For decades I was only a tarot reader and a medium and only offered readings.
The rest of my business found me, I let a natural evolution happen. Of course I had a business plan, a plan for the future and where I would like to take my work. (and I still have a business plan for the future of my business)
But I had to go step by step, I couldn’t jump into the sea before I knew how to swim.

One thing that I see a lot in my coaching is that some tarot readers want to jump to do everything, like what I do, teaching tarot, giving readings, coaching, jumping to the final products, until finally they are totally burned and not one thing or another works for them because they lost their balance. Doing to many things all of a sudden will burn you out quicker then a candle burning both ends. 
My evolution is based on a message, I want to help as many people in the world to be as successful and spiritual as possible. I could only do that by walking down the path step by step. 

Try to figure out what is the most important part of your business today and focus on that, the rest will follow.

Focus on one thing at a time

Focusing on just one thing helps you put all your energy into that until it succeeds. When it is successful you can focus on other things, but take some time to think about what you really want to do right now.

Doing everything at once will drive you crazy.

If you want to be a tarot reader, learn tarot as best you can, throw all your energy into it and transmit the message that you are a tarot reader. Gain as many clients, testimonials, and most of all, experience as you can.

If you want to be a spiritual author today, you have to write today, learn everything you can about your passion, understand the market. read books by other authors in the same category. Understand how sales and amazon work.

Can you do both? Sure, but the question is, are you capable of both today? perhaps it is better today to focus on just one thing and do other things on the side, for example,

If you want to be a tarot reader and author, perfect. Focus on your tarot, on your clients, on your experience and on gaining a sufficient clientele for your business, and at the same time write a little in the afternoons, take time to learn how to write a book, write your ideas, put magic on your pages.

But don’t put the whole focus of your business on both things.

Don't do what you don't do

I see a lot of people who get confused with what they do. Tarot readers who spend energy and time putting energy in their business (through social media for example) of things that they do not do.

Tarot readers who put posts and blogs about the meanings of the cards and how to learn tarot, but they are not teachers and they do not have courses on tarot. Healers who put and share things on tarot, but they are not tarot readers and they do not do readings.

It is one thing to share something because you like it, enjoy it or find it funny but another thing is to transmit a vibration of something that you are not (or are not yet) and you do not do (yet)

If it’s not because you really like it and want to share, why are you wasting energy on something that you don’t do?

Be clear with your vibration and what you do and what you don’t do.

A plan for the future of your spiritual business

Just because your focus is on one thing, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan for your business. When I was just a tarot reader and a medium, I always had a plan to write a book. When I did my first tarot classes, I knew that one day I was going to do my own school, I had a notebook i filled with my business plan.

You can focus on what you are doing today and create a business plan for your future. Your dreams can be fulfilled, you can have a very successful business, the trick is to be successful today in what you do today, and let the rest come in due course.

Don't look for clients for your products, let your clients ask for your products

The next steps in your spiritual business should feel right and good, like a natural step forward in your business. One way to know if you are ready for your next spiritual business plan is to let your clients ask you. My clients were asking me to give them tarot classes until at the end It felt right and started my classes. When students and clients asked me for coaching, I said no at first, until I felt it was my time, and in the same week I already had 5 clients and now I do coaching for clients from all over the world.

When I felt that it was time to evolve my business and make a VIP program, the same day I created the program, without advertising it and without putting it on sale to the public, I made my first sale!

I was not prepared years ago for the type of business I have today. I did not have the strength, persistence, patience and energy to carry what I have in my hands today.

Above all, I did not have the experience. I was always a good tarot reader, but that doesn’t mean I was a good teacher or a good coach. My experience and all the courses that I have taken over the years have made me who I am.

I believe that you have the ability to be everything you want to be and to take your spiritual business to its maximum success, but my advice is that you go step by step and be your best at one thing before moving on to something else.


(And how many of you now just want to know what my pen name is from my romance books hahaha)

¡Watch out for my next blogs

Gaynor direct

I can be your coach

Do you want to convert your hobby into an extra income or a successful spiritual business?

I offer spiritual business coaching for small spiritual businesses owners, tarot readers and mediums.